Amazon Great Indian Festival 2023: Get Side-By-Side Refrigerators For Up To 55% Off

Are you planning to vary your previous fridge? Is the fridge at your house too small for the household? Are you on the lookout for a brand new fridge choice? If you answered sure to any of those questions, then we now have simply the answer you have been on the lookout for. It’s a side-by-side fridge – it’s spacious, stylish, and comes with the most recent expertise for simple utilization. Guess what, now you can avail of it for a terrific low cost. You heard us! Amazon Great Indian Festival is reside and providing round 55 p.c off on side-by-side fridges. Check out some fridge choices from prime manufacturers beneath. And if you’re on the lookout for additional particulars, then click on right here.

Here Are 5 Side-By-Side Refrigerator Options For You:

1. Panasonic Side-By-Side Refrigerator:

This product has a 592-litre capability and options an environment friendly inverter compressor with a 10-year guarantee for sturdiness. It can also be Wi-Fi enabled which helps you management fridge and freezer temperatures remotely. It additionally comes with a double vegetable field for handy storage of vegetables and fruit. Originally priced at Rs. 95000, it’s now obtainable for Rs. 70490.

2. AmazonFundamentals Frost-Free Side-by-Side Refrigerator:

This fridge has a 564-litre capability and contains a multi-airflow system that ensures uniform cooling all through the storage compartments. The fridge is supplied with an digital management system that permits you to set and keep the right temperature inside. Originally priced at Rs. 88,999, it’s now obtainable for Rs. 42,990.

3. Samsung Frost-Free Convertible Side-By-Side Refrigerator:

This fridge comes with a 653-litre capability. It contains a digital inverter compressor that routinely adjusts its velocity in response to cooling demand, leading to quieter operation and decrease energy consumption. It additionally comes with twin cooling expertise, making certain that meals stays recent and moist for longer durations of time. Originally priced at Rs. 1,21,000, now you can avail it for Rs. 83,990.

4. Haier Double Door Side By Side Refrigerator:

This product gives premium options together with an auto-defrost perform to stop ice build-up. The fridge has a 602-litre capability and options an inverter compressor with cooling expertise, which makes it energy-efficient. The fridge consists of 4 drawers, toughened glass cabinets, a big vegetable field, and an anti-bacterial gasket, which makes it straightforward to make use of. Originally priced at Rs. 1,03,990, it’s now obtainable for Rs. 62,990.

5. LG Frost-Free Inverter Side-By-Side Refrigerator:

This fridge has a 655-litre capability and comes with an inverter compressor for larger vitality effectivity and diminished vitality wastage. This helps keep the looks and style of recent merchandise for longer by lowering temperature fluctuations. The fridge options tempered glass cabinets within the fridge part, with 4 cabinets and three door baskets. Originally priced at Rs. 1,20,699, it’s now obtainable for Rs. 69,990.

Click right here for extra gives on side-by-side fridges.

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