DIY Recipe: Prepare Granola At Home To Put Together Healthy Breakfast Bowl

There are sure meals that often seem on our breakfast desk – cereals being the most typical one. Corn flakes, muesli, oats and extra, now we have a variety of breakfast cereals to select from. In reality, go to any grocery store, and the aisle of cereals will go away you spoilt for decisions. These cereals are uncomplicated, ready-to-eat and fulfilling to the core. All it’s good to do is, combine it with yogurt or milk, high it along with your selection of fruits and indulge. One such fashionable breakfast cereal is granola. Over the years, granola has gained a fair proportion of recognition as a consequence of its style and availability. It is a toasted combination of rolled oats, nuts, dried fruits, and sweeteners like sugar or honey.

Is muesli the identical as granola?

Looking into the elements, one may get confused between muesli and granola. Both are oats-based cereals that embody nuts and dry fruits too. But the primary distinction lies within the course of (of constructing the cereals). While granola is baked and normally comprises added sweeteners, muesli stays uncooked and is sweetened with dried fruits solely.

Traditionally, muesli is soaked in milk (like in a single day oats) and served chilly. You may boil it with milk and put together a porridge. On the opposite hand, granola is crunchy and might be loved straight out of the packet. You may use it as a crunchy topping to your bowl of smoothie.

Also Read: Breakfast Cereal Versus Eggs: Which One Makes For A Healthier Morning Meal?


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Is consuming granola wholesome?

Granola makes for a well-liked breakfast cereal as a result of wholesome elements like oats, nuts and seeds. Let’s look into some main well being advantages of granola.

High on fibre and protein:

Oats, nuts and seeds are enriched with dietary fibre advert protein. These components assist enhance metabolism and hold you full for longer.

Improve intestine well being:

As talked about earlier, granola is loaded with dietary fibre that promotes digestion and correct bowel motion. This prevents us from points like indigestion, acid reflux disorder and many others that additional promote general intestine well being.

Loaded with antioxidants:

The elements utilized in granola are enriched with antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties. These components assist flush out toxins and forestall free radical harm within the physique.

While we agree, granola makes for a wholesome breakfast cereal, the calorie content material (as a consequence of extra sweeteners) typically makes it a subject of controversy, particularly amongst health fans. What if we are saying, we discovered a straightforward resolution to it?!

We discovered a recipe that can assist you make granola at house, that too with no added sweetener or preservatives. And the very best half is, you possibly can retailer the home made granola in your pantry any time you need.

Also Read: 5 Popular Breakfast Meals You Thought Were Healthy But Aren’t


Photo Credit: iStock

How to make sugar-free granola at house:

Ingredients to make home made granola:

To make wholesome granola at house, you want rolled oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, orange juice, olive oil, dried berries and almonds.

Method to make home made granola:

Start with preheating the oven. Meanwhile, combine the juice into the oats and add all the opposite elements to it. Mix nicely and unfold on the baking tray. Bake for 45 minutes. Keep turning the combination incessantly for even baking. Let it keep till it cools down. Click right here for the recipe.

How to retailer and serve granola:

To retailer it for a very long time, first settle down the granola utterly on the baking pan. Then take a clear, air-tight container and switch the cereal. Do not refrigerate. Instead, retailer in a cool, dry place. This will assist you hold it for as much as a month.

You can have it as is like snacks or sprinkle on milk or yogurt and luxuriate in a healthful meal. You may use it as a garnishing ingredient on smoothies, desserts and extra.

What are you ready for? Prepare the scrumptious cereal at house and make your breakfast an indulgent affair.

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