Healthy Options: These Are The Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Qualities Of A Filling Food

According to research, protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates and fat. Protein-rich diets increase satiety and result in reduced total calorie consumption when compared to low-protein diets.


Fiber fills you up and provides heft to your diet. It also slows the flow of food through your digestive system, enabling you to feel fuller for longer. A meal with a low energy density has a low-calorie content to its weight. Low-energy-density meals may help you feel full while eating fewer calories.

Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes have high carbs, so if dieters avoid them when trying to lose weight. But that shouldn’t be the case. The difference between resistant starch and regular starch is that it has twice lesser calories.


Potatoes might have high carbs, but it is also composed of essential vitamins, fiber, and resistant starch. You can have 2 instead of 4 calories per gram. You will eat fewer calories when resistant starch is added to your meals.

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