What Is Raw Food Diet? Is It A Good Idea To Follow It?

The rise of quick meals and processed meals has contributed to an alarming enhance in weight problems charges and non-communicable illnesses comparable to cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, and hypertension. In response to those regarding traits, many well being consultants are emphasising the significance of returning to nature and embracing the uncooked meals motion. Raw meals diets have gained important recognition worldwide. From actions like uncooked foodism and uncooked veganism to specialised uncooked juice camps in varied places, the consumption of uncooked meals is on the rise. Before divulging deep into it, let’s perceive.

Also Read: Should You Eat Raw Food In Evening? Here’s The Answer

What is Raw Food Diet? 

Essentially, uncooked meals refers to meals that hasn’t been cooked, processed, or uncovered to chemical substances or meals engineering. It is consumed in its freshest and most pure type, with a most temperature restrict of 118 levels. The essence of a uncooked meals eating regimen lies in consuming unprocessed, complete plant-based, ideally natural meals.  

What is the historical past of uncooked foodism? 

The historical past of uncooked meals consumption as a dietary and well being motion may be traced again to 1830 when an American Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham advocated for the advantages of a uncooked meals eating regimen to fight the cholera epidemic. However, the Swiss are sometimes credited with being pioneers in creating uncooked meals as a dietary well being therapy. In the late nineteenth century, a Swiss physician named Maximilian Bircher Benner found some great benefits of a uncooked meals eating regimen when he ate uncooked apples whereas recovering from jaundice. After his restoration, he carried out experiments to check the consequences of uncooked meals on human well being and the immune system. 

Also Read: Cooked Vs Raw: Foods That Are Better Cooked And Foods That Are Good Raw


Raw meals provide some important well being advantages.
Photo Credit: iStock

Are uncooked meals diets wholesome? 

  • Health consultants and researchers have lengthy highlighted some great benefits of uncooked meals consumption. Even incorporating a small quantity of uncooked meals into your eating regimen can have exceptional well being advantages, together with: 
  • It is alleged that the cooking technique can destroy some useful compounds and vitamins within the meals, which may be retained if the meals is just not cooked. 
  • Raw meals is a superb approach to meet your every day requirement of vegatables and fruits. 
  • It may help cut back stress and energise your thoughts and physique. 
  • Raw meals are often decrease in energy and may help with weight reduction. 
  • Enhanced enzymes and vitamins in uncooked meals assist keep wholesome pores and skin, lustrous hair, and improved eyesight. 

However, as with all dietary strategy, warning is critical when consuming uncooked meals. 

Also Read: Can You Reverse Diabetes With A Raw Food Diet?

Risks Of Eating Raw Foods: 

It is essential to make sure that the meals and fruits you eat are contemporary. Proper washing and, if wanted, boiling may help get rid of potential dangers. Avoid utilizing meals which have been saved for an prolonged interval and be attentive to any modifications in color or scent that will point out spoilage. Adequate storage and sustaining hygiene are of utmost significance. 

Ayurveda professional Dr Dhanvantri Tyagi says, “The success of a raw food diet depends on the nature of food. Fruits and some foods like cucumbers are meant to be taken raw. One should be mindful of certain conditions before taking anything. For instance, you should avoid raw food in monsoon when bacterial and viral infections are at their peak.” 

Now this leaves us with the query –  

Is uncooked foodism good? Should you comply with it? 

Dietitian Prachi Shah says, “In a full-fledged raw food diet, it is difficult to meet your daily nutritional needs. Even if nutritional content goes down slightly during cooking, the nutrients in the cooked food get absorbed and digested well in your body.” 

Given the assorted advantages of uncooked foodism, it’s best to include it into your common eating regimen somewhat than substitute it. Nutritionists advocate that not less than three-quarters of a person’s eating regimen ought to include raw meals. 


It is nice to include uncooked meals into your eating regimen.
Photo Credit: iStock

What do you eat on a uncooked meals eating regimen? 

If you’re planning to extend the consumption of uncooked meals in your eating regimen, relaxation assured that you’ll by no means run out of recipe concepts. We have an inventory of some unbelievable recipes made with nutrient-rich meals that can assist you to keep wholesome and energised. Click right here to get the recipes. 

(This content material together with recommendation supplies generic info solely. It is by no means an alternative to certified medical opinion. Always seek the advice of a specialist or your individual physician for extra info. Mahaz News doesn’t declare accountability for this info.)

Source web site: meals.ndtv.com

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