HearSight, A Revolutionary AI Aid For Visually Impaired To Be Launched Soon

For these dwelling with out the valuable reward of eye-sight, a revolutionary gadget aiding such folks to nearly see and uncover the world is within the offing. This groundbreaking gadget powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to alter the lives of visually impaired folks by describing the visible world by spoken phrases.

Powered by cutting-edge AI know-how, this distinctive gadget — HearSight –boasts a number of distinctive options. Among crucial component concerning the utilization of this gadget is non-requirement of web connection. HearSight will be operated with out an web connection which implies that it may be accessed anytime and wherever.

1. Navigation: It serves as a trusty information, aiding customers in safely crossing roads and navigating unfamiliar terrains.

2. Face Recognition: With the capability to register as much as 100 faces in its database, this system may help customers determine folks by title after they encounter them.

3. Currency Identification: It can discern and relay details about foreign money notes, enhancing monetary independence.

“This versatile device can proficiently converse in seven different languages. The result of five years of dedicated research, it can also seamlessly connect to a mobile app for extended functionality,” mentioned Timothy Vedanayagam, CEO, Hear sight.

Proudly designed and manufactured in India, HearSight is about to launch at an reasonably priced worth level, starting from Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000.

This multi-functional marvel for visually impaired particular person is about to be launched subsequent month. HearSight can unlock a world of prospects for these folks by Navigating busy streets, figuring out foreign money notes, or recognizing acquainted faces.

Source web site: zeenews.india.com

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