He Went Missing For 2 Years, Then Parents Look Behind The Dresser.

He went missing for two years, then parents looked behind the dresser. Now, let’s dive into the story. It’s a horrifying thought, but children go missing all the time.

Police investigators do their utmost to locate them, yet not every missing child case is resolved. Anyone in that situation craves some form of closure, even if it takes years.

A young boy from Illinois went missing in 2004. His father, who had been battling for custody, was left completely distraught.

For two years, no one could find a trace of him, until police finally decided to search one very obvious place in 2007.

Ricky Chova, a young boy, vanished. Despite their best efforts, police made no headway for two years.

The breakthrough came when they chose to scrutinize a close family member. Ricky’s parents, Michael Jacobia and Shannon Wilfong, had a rocky relationship from before their son’s birth in 2002, characterized by constant arguments.

After Ricky’s birth, they agreed to share custody, but the environment was far from ideal.

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